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Three Reasons to Get on Board with a Dispensary Opening in Your Neighborhood

When some people hear the news that a cannabis dispensary will be opening in their neighborhood, they feel resistant. Those who think this way are often using outdated thinking—perhaps imagining drug dealers, rather than licensed business professionals who are selling cannabis products legally. If you've recently heard news about a shop opening near where you live, it's a good idea to get off the fence and be keen about the benefits that this opening can provide your local community. Here are three reasons that you should support the opening of a dispensary in your area.

Fewer Drug Dealers

There are likely people in your area who have used cannabis products before they became legal, and this means that such individuals were relying on drug dealers to illegally provide them with their cannabis. The arrival of a cannabis dispensary in a neighborhood means that people have a legal and proper means to buy these products—and this could help to put the dealers out of business. Most people would rather buy their cannabis from a clean and safe shop and know exactly what they're getting, which can mean that the local dealers are no longer making enough profits to want to remain in the area.

More Local Jobs

One of the best metrics by which to measure the health of a community is its employment. The more people who are actively employed in a given area, the more money there is to spend locally and support that local economy. Even a small cannabis dispensary is apt to employ a handful of people, while a larger location may employ significantly more people. Those who live in the area and have perhaps been unemployed or underemployed may flock to this new career opportunity, which is a win-win for them and for the area.

More Spending Locally

There isn't a cannabis dispensary in every neighborhood, which means that if one opens up near where you live, it won't just be local residents who are using it. People who live outside of your community may travel to the area to shop at the dispensary for their favorite cannabis products, and this can boost the local economy through local spending. For example, someone who visits the area might have lunch at a local restaurant after shopping at the dispensary or fill his or her car with gas from a local gas station. This local spending can augment the affluence of the community.

If you have any questions, keep an eye out for dispensaries near you.
