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Three Ways To Save Money At Your Local Cannabis Dispensary

If you enjoy consuming cannabis recreationally but your budget for cannabis products is a little tight, you have a few options to consider. One choice is to scale back your consumption a little, but if you favor using cannabis because of the benefits that it provides you, doing so might not be an option. Fortunately, there are many different ways that you can save money on your various purchases from your local recreational dispensary. Here are some options that can help you to buy as much cannabis as you want, but also help to keep some money in your pocket.

Get Discounts Through Social Media

Check to see if your favorite cannabis dispensary has a social media presence. Many of these shops do, and they make it worthwhile for you to follow these accounts for several reasons. For starters, you'll develop more of an understanding about cannabis and cannabis culture, but you'll also have a chance to save money. A lot of cannabis dispensaries reward those who follow them on social media by providing discounts to these users. For example, a social media account might give you a phrase to mention at the time of your checkout to save a certain percentage off your order.

Shop During Open House Events

Some cannabis dispensaries will hold open house events to help the community better understand what they offer. There are some community members who remain wary around cannabis dispensaries, especially if recreational cannabis use has become legal in your state only recently. These events can be worthwhile to attend if you're looking to save some money, too, because dispensaries will commonly offer reduced prices on certain products to encourage people to try them. If a certain cannabis dispensary has an open house every month, you can visit each time to affordably buy your supply for the month.

Try New Products

As a cannabis consumer, you've likely identified certain strains that suit your budget and that help you to achieve the desired feeling. However, it never hurts to try new strains — and doing so can be good for your wallet. You'll often find that cannabis dispensaries will frequently introduce new strains at so-called introductory pricing, meaning that they're initially more affordable than they will be in the long term. This can be an effective way to not only search for something new that you might enjoy, but also save some money in the process.
