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Keep Your Back Healthy With A Bocce Ball Retriever And These Tactics

Playing bocce is a fun way to stay active as you age, but physical limitations such as back pain and knee pain may limit your ability to enjoy this game. If you find that bending to pick up the balls is a struggle, a bocce ball retriever is a device that may extend your ability to enjoy this pastime by preventing the pain that comes with bending. While your bocce ball retriever will minimize the risk of discomfort, you still need to have some specific tactics in mind for using it. Here are some ways to keep your back healthy when you use this device.

Ensure That Your Retriever Is Long Enough

When you buy your bocce ball retriever, you need to ensure that its length is suitable for your height. Bocce ball retrievers come in different lengths, so you want to choose one that will allow you to pick up your balls without having to bend very much, such as a stand up bocce ball retriever tool. If you select a retriever that is too short, you may still need to bend more than is comfortable. Don't be afraid to try a few different lengths of retrievers when you're shopping, and asking a knowledgeable salesperson is also a good idea.

Step Close To The Ball

You should get in the habit of stepping close to the ball before you pick it up with the retriever. Doing so allows you to maintain an upright posture, rather than bend forward. If you're struggling with knee or back pain, the forward bend can be problematic. An effective rule of thumb is to position your body so that the ball is directly beside the foot on the dominant side of your body. This will allow you to use the retriever without reaching too far forward.

Lift Straight Up

When you're using the bocce ball retriever to lift the ball so that you can grab it, get into the habit of lifting the ball vertically. It might be tempting to lift the ball by extending your arm that holds the retriever outward, but doing so will require you to reach forward to grab the ball, and this will result in a forward bend that might be detrimental to your lower back. Imagine the ball riding an elevator. It travels perfectly vertical and stops at a height at which you can grab it with your free hand. These habits will make you far less at risk of exacerbating your back pain while playing bocce.
