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Automatic Deer Feeders: Better Spread, Shots, And Safety

Few hunting devices produce more deer consistently than automatic deer feeders. If you live in a jurisdiction where deer feeders are legal, you can make your automatic deer feeder more effective with a few simple modifications.

Aim High and Shoot Forcefully

If you're using a tree mounted automatic deer feeder, where you place your device on the tree and how forcefully you set the feeder to dispense food can drastically impact its effectiveness. Generally, placing the feeder higher on the tree will spread the deer feed in a less concentrated pattern. By using a wider spray pattern, you will enable more deer to feed with more space between them. This is important if you choose to hunt the animals while they're feeding. Having them clustered can make it more difficult to shoot at a specific deer that might be cropping in the herd. You will also want keep your automatic deer feeder's dispensing strength high. This will allow the deer feed to travel further, creating an even wider pattern.

Clear Lines and Safe Angles

Having clear lines of sight to the areas around your automatic deer feeder will ensure that the you have a good shot at the animals you're hunting. Many hunters like to locate their tree stands within comfortable shooting range of the feeders. Placing the automatic deer feeder so that spray pattern doesn't put food behind trees and bushes will also keep your shoot angles free of obstructions.

When assessing these sight lines, you should also keep safety in mind. The dominate shot angles should allow errant bullets to travel away from higher traffic areas. Areas near the deer feeder should be kept clear so that you can identify any pets or people that might wonder into the area while you're hunting.

Keep Clean and Fresh

Deer can be very discerning eaters. If the deer feed in your feeder becomes stale or moldy, the deer in your area may shy away from the feeder. To keep your food clean and fresh you will need to let the feeder empty completely between fillings. Adding new food to old food can make it more difficult to figure out the freshness of your feed. Many automatic deer feed owners often find that using a pressure washer to clean out the feed tank every year can prevent any gunk from contaminating the feed added to the machine.

These simple tips can help make your automatic deer feeder more effective this fall. For more help, get in touch with a company like Boss Buck.
