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Three Uses For Golf Carts At An Outdoor Wedding

People may arrive at your wedding in vehicles, but when it comes to getting around the facility at which you're getting married, it can be nice to provide golf carts. Elderly people may automatically gravitate toward this method of transportation, but you may also find that everyone enjoys using golf carts. Prior to the wedding, it can be fun to thoroughly wash and then decorate your golf carts with wedding accessories, helping to make them festive for the occasion. Here are three ways to use golf carts at your outdoor wedding.

Driving The Bride To The Ceremony

In certain outdoor weddings, the ceremony itself might be taking place a considerable distance from the nearest buildings. You don't want the bride standing where she'll be visible to the groom before the ceremony begins, so it's customary to have the bride stay in a building. However, the long walk from the building to the ceremony area, especially in high-heeled shoes, may not be feasible. In such a scenario, it can be perfect to have the bride's father drive her across the terrain in a golf cart. It will be fun for all of the attendees to watch the golf cart appearing in the distance and getting closer.

Allowing Guests To Move Around

If you're getting married in a large area, guests may wish to rely on golf carts as a way of getting around. For example, perhaps your wedding is taking place on a large estate that is accommodating several of your guests overnight. If there's a significant distance between where they're staying and where the ceremony or reception is being held, hiring people to chauffeur the guests around in your golf carts can be a nice touch — and one that is especially welcome for those with mobility issues.

Helping With The Setup

If you're setting up your ceremony site a significant distance from the parking lot, it may not always be possible for your delivery trucks to travel across the property. The idea of carrying things such as chairs, tables, and decorations can seem daunting, but not if you have a handful of golf carts. This is especially true with larger carts such as those with four seats, as they can easily carry a significant load to help make it easier for you to get your needed items to the ceremony site. Afterward, the golf carts will again come in handy as your helpers take down the ceremony site.

For more information, contact companies like Cart Company.
