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Four Tips To Get You Through Your First Whitewater Rafting Trip

Whitewater rafting is a fun, high-energy way to experience nature. Once you start rafting, it's sure to become something you do again and again. But heading out on that very first rafting trip can be a bit intimidating. Here are four tips to help you get through your first whitewater rafting trip safely and with your wits intact.

Tip #1: Choose a licensed company to raft with.

If you're brand new to whitewater rafting, setting out on your own or with a group of inexperienced friends is not the best choice. Look instead for a licensed company that offers rafting trips. Companies of this sort employ advanced rafters who will give you specific safety tips and information before and during your rafting adventure. Plus, they have all of the proper safety equipment for you to rent, including helmets and life jackets. 

Tip #2: Choose an "easy" route.

Most rafting adventure companies will offer easy, moderate, and advanced routes. They often won't allow first-timers to go on the advanced routes, but they may allow them on the moderate routes. Even though this is permitted, it's not your best option. Always choose an "easy" route for your first time out. There will be fewer rapids and fewer risks, so you can focus on perfecting the skills needed to navigate around rocks and bounce along the waves. You can always return and do the more challenging routes once you have a bit more experience.

Tip #3: Dress for the season.

If you're heading out in the spring or early summer, the water will be pretty cold! Your best bet is to wear a wet suit and river shoes so that the shock of the cold water does not take your focus off of rowing. Later in the season, you may be able to get away with shorts and a tank top--or similar apparel--but a wet suit is still not a bad choice, especially if you tend to get cold easily. You should also wear sunglasses, as they will help protect your eyes from the sunshine glaring off the water.

Tip #4: Know proper river swimming techniques.

Swimming among the rapids is a bit different than swimming in a pool. If you are ever to fall out of the boat, knowing some river swimming basics is important. Always keep your legs close together to avoid injuries. Swim across the current, and if you choose to swim into shore, always swim all of the way into the shore rather than trying to stand in the current because it may push you down again.

Talk with a company like Andy and Bax for more information.
